We have a long way from small one-room country school to come. At no other time in American history has there been such a wave in the construction of schools, about 6000 new buildings cost $ 70 billion is needed to serve growing population of American students and the existing schools (most of them were among the 1950 years, built in 1970) must be repaired or replaced one third of their plans. At the American Society of Civil Engineers Report Card '2009Infrastructure of the United States has received the assessment and the schools in the United States a class "D". There is also the case of commercial building, the school green building makes economic sense. Studies have shown that the initial cost of building schools green, about 2% more than conventional construction with a saving in energy costs and operating costs of acquisition are many times during the life of the school to repay. The appearance money is more important for schools toThe companies have been school districts more financially linked. Polls show that schools with integrated state-of-the-art ICF (Insulated Concrete Forms) construction can result in energy savings of 40%. With the construction of green, school districts can afford enough to be able to save on energy costs, plus books, supplies and personnel. Each year, taxpayers spend more than $ 6000000000 energy costs for the aging school buildings that are 25% more than necessary. $ 1 billion and half could be used instead ofpurchase 40 million textbooks and 30,000 new teachers each year in rent.
But the benefits of green building schools are not just a matter of dollars and cents. Fresh concrete schools are much improved learning environments. Many studies have shown that there is a direct correlation between the indoor environment and improved student health, school performance and absenteeism. These studies noted a correlation between internal natural light and improved test scores.Clean the air quality means less sick days and higher number of pupils. The characteristic of the school building is LEED certified green, which was developed by the U.S. Green Building Council. LEED is a rating system that recognizes the special needs of optimization of the energy school, as the most heavily. LEED for Schools also sets environmental issues such as evaluation of the site, preventing mold, and the acoustics in the classroom. A famous study found thatLEED school teachers overwhelmingly perceived their schools for a better environment for teachers to teach and students learn to offer - especially in the field of acoustics and indoor air quality.
If you were in a class, knows how important proper management of a learning environment. The solid foam insulation and ICF block wall assemblies effectively absorb noise and result in quieter classrooms, improve teaching and learning. In addition to ICFConstruction, the use of new green schools increase the natural light as possible visual experience. Other features of the energy efficiency of green school buildings are modern ventilation, heating and air conditioning, automated building controls and sensors in temperature and light in every classroom. Increased thermal comfort results in the improvement of student learning and teacher satisfaction and more effective.
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